1 minute read

Implement an iterator of a list of integers nums where

  • peek() returns the next element, without moving the iterator
  • next() polls the next element in the iterator
  • hasnext() which returns whether the next element exists


  • n ≤ 100,000 where n is the number of calls to peek, next and hasnext



Example 1


  • methods = ['constructor', 'peek', 'next', 'hasnext', 'peek', 'next', 'hasnext']
  • arguments = [[[1, 2]], [], [], [], [], [], []]


  • answer = [None, 1, 1, True, 2, 2, False]


  • First we create a PeekableIterator with values [1, 2]
  • We peek the next element which is 1
  • We poll the next element which is 1
  • We check if the next element exists, which it does since 2 is next in the iterator.
  • We peek the next element which is 2
  • We poll the next element which is 2
  • We check if the next element exists which it doesn’t


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