Posts with tag 'data structure'

Frequency Stack

1 minute read

Implement a frequency stack with the following methods:


1 minute read

Implement a trie data structure with the following methods:

Virtually Cloneable Stacks

1 minute read

Implement a data structure VirtuallyCloneableStacks with the following methods

Circular Queue

2 minute read

Implement a circular queue with the following methods:

Zipped Iterator

less than 1 minute read

Implement a zip iterator of two lists of integers a and b where

Underground Tunnel

1 minute read

Implement a data structure with the following methods:

Peekable Iterator

1 minute read

Implement an iterator of a list of integers nums where

Web Browser

1 minute read

Implement a web browser with the following methods:

Rate Limiter

2 minute read

Implement a rate limiter that limits users’ requests with the following methods:

Virtual Boolean Array

1 minute read

Implement a boolean array which implements the following methods:

Tic Tac Toe

2 minute read

Implement the tic-tac-toe game with the following methods:


1 minute read

Implement a set data structure with the following methods:

Run-Length Decoded String Iterator

less than 1 minute read

Given a run-length encoded lowercase alphabet string s, implement an iterator which is the decoded version of s:

Minimum Stack

1 minute read

Implement a stack with the following methods:

Hit Counter

1 minute read

Implement a hit counter which keeps track of number of the number of hits in the last 60 seconds.

File System

1 minute read

Implement a data structure with the following methods:

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