Max Sum of Two Non-Overlapping Lists
Given a list of integers nums and integers a and b, return the max sum of two non-overlapping sublists in nums which have lengths a and b.
Given a list of integers nums and integers a and b, return the max sum of two non-overlapping sublists in nums which have lengths a and b.
Given a binary tree root, and integers a and b, find the value of the lowest node that has a and b as descendants. A node can be a descendant of itself.
You are given a two-dimensional list of integers intervals where each list represents an inclusive [start, end] interval. Return the longest interval that yo...
You are given a singly linked list node containing integer values. Take the first half of the linked list and fold over the second half and merge the interse...
Given a binary tree root, return the largest sum of any path between any two nodes.
Given a list of integers nums and an integer k, return the largest sum of three non-overlapping sublists of nums each of size k.
Given a list of integers nums and an integer k, choose elements from nums to create a list of length k such that the difference between the largest integer i...
Given a two-dimensional integer matrix of 1s and 0s where 0 represents empty cell and 1 represents a block that forms a shape, return the perimeter of the sh...
Given a two-dimensional integer list intervals representing unsorted inclusive intervals, return their union in sorted order.
You are given a two-dimensional list of integers intervals where each list represents an inclusive [start, end] interval.
You are given a lowercase alphabet string s and a list of non-negative integers costs, both of which have the same length. You can remove character s[i] for ...
You are given a two dimensional matrix where a 1 represents a live cell and a 0 represents a dead cell. A cell’s (living or dead) neighbors are its immediate...