Repeated Deletion Sequel
Given a string s and an integer k, repeatedly delete the earliest k consecutive duplicate characters.
Given a string s and an integer k, repeatedly delete the earliest k consecutive duplicate characters.
Given a list of distinct integers pushes, and another list of integers pops, return whether this is a valid sequence of stack push and pop actions.
Given a two-dimensional integer list intervals representing unsorted inclusive intervals, return their union in sorted order.
Given a string s containing round, curly, and square open and closing brackets, return whether the brackets are balanced.
Given a string s containing brackets "(" and ")", return the length of the longest subsequence of balanced brackets.
You are given a list of strings ops where each element is either:
You are given a list of integers heights representing building heights. A building heights[i] can see the ocean if every building on its right has shorter he...
Given a Unix path, represented as a list of strings, return its resolved version.
You are given a tree root and a list of strings moves consisting of "RIGHT", "LEFT" and "UP". Starting from root, traverse the tree by performing each move i...
Given a string s representing characters typed into an editor, with "<-" representing a backspace, return the current state of the editor.
Given a string s, repeatedly delete the earliest consecutive duplicate characters.
Given a string s containing brackets ( and ), return the minimum number of brackets that can be inserted so that the brackets are balanced.
You’re given a string s consisting solely of "(" and ")". Return whether the parentheses are balanced.