1 minute read

You are given a list of integers prices where prices[i] represents the price to sell a rod of size i + 1, and an integer n which represents the current size of the rod.

Given you can cut the rod into any number of different sizes, return the maximum profit that can be earned.


  • m = n ≤ 1000 where m is the length of prices.



Example 1


  • prices = [1, 3, 5, 7, 7, 7]
  • n = 6


  • answer = 10


The price table shows that we can

  • Sell a rod of size 1 for price of 1
  • Sell a rod of size 2 for price of 3
  • Sell a rod of size 3 for price of 5
  • Sell a rod of size 4 for price of 7
  • Sell a rod of size 5 for price of 7
  • Sell a rod of size 6 for price of 7

The optimal way to cut the rod is to split it into 2 pieces of length 3, to achieve profit of 10.


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