Strictly Alternating List
You are given a list of integers nums. Return whether the list alternates from first strictly increasing to strictly decreasing and then strictly increasing ...
You are given a list of integers nums. Return whether the list alternates from first strictly increasing to strictly decreasing and then strictly increasing ...
Given a list of integers sorted in ascending order nums, square the elements and give the output in sorted order.
Given a list of integers nums, return whether you can partition the list into two non-empty sublists such that every number in the left sublist is strictly l...
You are given a list of strings mailboxes. Each mailbox is a list of strings, where each string is either "junk", "personal", "work". Go through each mailbox...
Give a list of numbers nums, return the number of elements that are in the correct indices, if the list were to be sorted.
You are given a list of integers nums. Given that you can first reverse one sublist in nums, return whether you can make the resulting list be arranged in as...
You are given a lists of non-negative integers nums. Sort the list in ascending order by the number of 1s in binary representation for each number. If there ...
You are given a string s and an integer k. Each character in the string is either '.' or 'x', where '.' represents an empty space and 'x' represents a person.
You are given a string s containing "1", "2", "3" and "?". Given that you can replace any “?” with "1", "2" or "3", return the smallest number you can make a...
You are given an integer k and a binary search tree root, where each node is either a leaf or contains 2 children.
You are given a list of integers nums. Let k be the frequency of a most frequent number in nums. Return the length of a shortest sublist such that the freque...
Given a list of integers nums, return the length of the shortest sublist in nums which if sorted would make nums sorted in ascending order.